Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Higher Learning

Back in 2008 I moved out of my high-school coccoon and became a university student. But it appears that at the time I had left my coccoon of safety early and fell quite far. Not many people realise just how far, but the truth is, far enough to warrant an academic suspension of one year from University.

So, feeling a bit lost, I decided to enter the business world and got a Technical Support position with a local ISP. Great working conditions, a computer-based job that allowed me to learn more about networking and telecommunications, good pay and some great working conditions really helped bring me back up to a good quality of life and living. Of course, it did get tiring and draining after a while and I wanted a change. So to affect this change, I decided to return to university.

Re-enrolled and attending again, I'm studying three units (but still considered full-time) and working 32 hours at my job and getting back into the swing of university life.

Quite a lovely so far, my lectures and lecturers are all quite pleasant for two of my three units. Unfortunately, my third unit looks like it's going to be the challenging one. The slides are taken down before notes can go up, he puts things up without explaining them and frankly, leaves us a bit in the dust.

To counterract this, I'm going to need to spend a few days studying over my old programming textbooks (since I'm now about a year and a half out of practice) until I'm upto speed there, then try and tackle some of the theories being thrown at us.

Adam O'Grady

PS: Matrix (2D-array) transpositions, is there a simpler method to do it (even it it means transposing it into a new array, temporary or permanent) that does not involve two nested loops? I think the language of focus at the moment is Java.

EDIT: I never updated this before, but the trick is just to have a boolean variable to tell whether the array is transposed. If it is, any access/modification to a (x,y) co-ordinate are instead accessed in (y,x) order. Thus the "transpose" method is a constant time function.

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