Monday, July 12, 2010

Dear John Q. Public

"I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard."

If there is one thing that boils the blood of any developer, creator, manufacturer, artist; it is that statement. Being quite active in the technology and communications communities these days (compared to the layman at least), it is something I have grown to hate even more with time. Without fail, someone will always request some new feature, patch or fix with such an appended statement.

Unfortunately, professional courtesy often prevents a developer from saying their mind in such circumstances. However in all honesty, the best way for it to be put is as follows:

"If you think it's easy, do it yourself."

Seriously, if that feature you want is so easy to add or that bug so easy to fix, go out and fix it yourself. Do it, sell the new and improved product and make a goddamn fortune.

Adam O'Grady

1 comment:

  1. Clients making rcomments like that were one of the main reasons I left professional web design.
